I'd like to speak to clause 4, under “Purpose and Application”. Obviously, this is one of the problematic clauses that purport that what is being done here is okay. This is clearly not the case, as we've heard from many witnesses. It's clear that this government is not listening to first nations on a nation-to-nation basis. The Assembly of First Nations and the Native Women's Association of Canada, and many nations across the country who oppose this bill, have spoken directly to the lack of nation-to-nation consultation. Certain first nations have been heard by the ministerial representative, but as has been the case previously, their concerns have not been incorporated into this iteration of the bill, and there are certainly some key concerns.
I want to read into the record a press release from the Native Women's Association of Canada when Bill S-2 was presented.
The Native Women's Association of Canada...express their concerns with Bill S-2.... NWAC is not confident that the legislation will solve the problems associated with Matrimonial...Property [rights] on reserve; and that the current Bill fails to address many of the recommendations repeatedly raised each time this legislation has been brought forward.
Obviously, one of the real concerns here is that this is an imposition by the federal government on first nations. Janice Makokis yesterday was quoted as saying, “I want to focus my comments on how this bill is in violation of our treaties and the treaty relationship. This bill undermines indigenous laws and the inherent rights we have. Finally this bill further oppresses the roles of indigenous women within our nations.”
This bill does not solve the problems that it seeks to address and certainly some of the problems that this government has raised. We've heard this from women, communities, and families who will be affected. This government has said that the purpose of this bill was to end violence against aboriginal women. This bill has nothing to do with ending violence against aboriginal women as it provides no effective, timely access to remedy. It does not involve a national action plan. It does not address the housing crisis on reserves. It does not make any reference to funding for women's shelters. As we know, for 663 first nations, there are only 40 women's shelters. It does not allow for better access to justice, including increased funding to legal aid, especially for remote communities. It does not include financial resources to support first nation governments to actually implement the law. It does not allow access to alternative dispute resolution mechanisms which, as we know from witnesses who have brought this forward, are often critical to resolving the situation during marital breakdown.
I'd also like to read into the record, as I believe it certainly speaks to the opposition to clause 4, the statement by
Quebec Native Women:
Quebec Native Women would like to reiterate its opposition to Bill S-2... ... Bill S-2, in its present form, does not take into account the jurisdiction of First Nations over reserve property by granting jurisdiction to the provincial courts for enforcement and will not provide funding or resources to First Nations to access these provincial courts which would therefore be too costly or complex for them to use. The unilateral approach taken by the government to resolve this issue through legislation will also fail to address systemic problems such as lack of housing and violence against women in the communities.
Finally, I would like to indicate that clause 4 sets the tone and certainly makes clear the plan of this bill and obviously, the plan of this government, to impose legislation on first nations regardless of their opposition, regardless of the indication that first nations must be consulted according to section 35 and according to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to which Canada is a signatory.
Therefore, we stand with the many voices of first nations, first nation organizations, and first nation women who have come out and spoken against Bill S-2, including clause 4.