Thank you very much for your information. It has been extremely interesting listening to you. Many of the things that you have said I have heard at round tables around the country, discussing the whole issue of sexual harassment or harassment in the workplace. As long as everybody turns a blind eye to it, it will continue, no matter what policies you put in place. So I appreciated many of the comments you made.
I'd like to expand a bit more on the issue of.... You talked about passive coping. Some of the issues that have come out recently here in Canada—lawsuits and so on—have come from women who have been in the workforce for a very long time and then, finally, can't handle it any more and then leave and launch a lawsuit. You mentioned passive coping. Is passive coping what many people do in the workforce? So as not to lose their jobs, they try to continue to cope with this kind of activity, which is clearly unacceptable, but they don't want to lodge a complaint.