Thank you and good morning, Madam Chair and honourable members.
My name is Fariba Pacheleh. I am an engineer and the current president of the Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology, or as we like to call it, SCWIST.
For the past 30 years, SCWIST has been supporting and empowering women in science, technology, mathematics, and engineering, which are STEM fields. We know that for women, changes are needed. As the old Chinese proverb says, women hold up half the sky.
The issues of inequity, and the reasons for them, are well documented in many articles, such as the 2010 “Why So Few?” report, which identifies systemic barriers to women in the scientific workplace; the B.C. Women in Engineering and Geoscience Task Force on continuing gender inequity in the engineering and geoscience professions; the Harvard Business Review of September 2013 on women in general, “Women Rising: The Unseen Barriers”; and many others.
These studies and articles describe what we should change. There are also studies that suggest solving these problems may be a good thing, not just a make-work exercise. The Dell study shows that the companies with more women on the board of directors outperform those with the fewest, up to 66%. Deloitte's “global perspective” states that diversity is a business issue. Spencer Stuart found that diversity in the boardroom results in increased value for shareholders.
So the facts are difficult to ignore. We know that diversity, especially gender diversity, is of paramount economic importance. It's no longer just an equity issue. It's proven that having women aboard makes good economic sense. As well, you can't forget that women are half of your electorate. As Danièle mentioned at the beginning, they are your mothers, sisters, daughters, and spouses. That's why we should change.
Women want to contribute to the economy. They are well educated and eminently capable. There are many of them poised, yet few have breached the practical and cultural barriers that prevent them from reaching their potential. It is not a minority issue. Women are not minorities. This is a historical and cultural issue. Women do not speak with a uniform voice. Women are as diverse as Canada itself.
I think the question is how do we change? The usual first step is to identify the problem. We have been doing this for the past 30 years. I will not list all of the problems we are dealing with. We know about them. Instead, I want to provide you with some solutions and action items, or at least ideas to ponder on a number of levels—the governmental level, the corporate level, the community, and the individual.
First are the action items, the action steps at the government level. We need a task force to scrutinize all bias in policies to determine their impact on Canadian women—thank you, Right Honourable Kim Campbell—one that takes into consideration the solution and action items for the B.C. Economic Forum's “Women as catalyst for growth”, which my friend Jill was talking about here. The outcome will be presented in 2015.
We need increased funding for science, scientific research, and STEM education—as mentioned, STEM is science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—because in a knowledge-based economy, that is the source of future ideas. We need support for specific education of new immigrants to transform their imported cultural biases and histories, to cement Canadian values.
We need public policy, as in Europe, that is directed at the companies to comply or explain the gender distribution of their boards and C-suites, and we should create relevant rewards and pillories. We need government-sponsored round table events with men who are leaders of industry and academia and with predominantly male participation to prioritize the specific strategies for implementation.
We need policies to regulate the media, and especially advertising, with respect to their presentation of women as objects. In the face of the U.S. media onslaught, we have achieved Canadian and bilingual content. We can achieve the media's respect and support on this subject as well for diversity. Here again is a need to comply and explain.
Finally, we really need to address the issue of child care at the public policy level to facilitate families' participation in improving the economy.
Now, that was the government level. The second is the corporate level.
There needs to be compliance or explanation, this time to the shareholders, if the workplace policies and the C-suites are not sufficiently diverse. Those involved in the hiring process should be required to work through the Harvard implicit bias test to identify their biases and mitigate them. We need new hiring policies and practices, so that applicants are selected based on their skills from diversity-neutral applications.
Corporations need to collaborate with unions to support employees by providing flexibility and by providing day care. There is a need for C-suites well populated by women to provide role models for other women climbing the corporate ladder. Corporations need succession planning and active sponsorship of women that will enhance diversity.
The last item on the corporation list is the need to create a work climate that not only hires women but retains them through clear workplace policies in inclusion and collegiality, work flexibility, active sponsorship, and access to role models and mentors.
Those were the levels of governments and companies. Now, speaking about the community, the grassroots level, these are the action items we suggest.
They need programs that create networks, provide role models, and provide mentorship opportunities such as SCWIST makes possible through an online program of skill-based mentoring for women funded through Status of Women Canada. Thank you very much for that opportunity. We are proud of this program and invite you to participate.
We must create a wide variety of programming that supports children's education and understanding of a diverse workplace and the subjects that ensure their future.
At the personal level, what we need to do is come to terms with our own biases. Again, I recommend the Harvard implicit bias test, because knowing is surprisingly the first step. We need to scrutinize the personal values and cultural context in the home that prevent progress and to review how girls are socialized and how cultural expectations place limitations on them and their futures.
Women know this. Status of Women Canada is tackling this in many ways, but we find ourselves preaching to the choir. The moment the word “women” escapes someone's lips or appears in a title or discussion, our male colleagues tune out.
Now, I want to know whether the male people here tuned out there. This was not a message to the women in the room; this list is for men.
As the movie title says, we need a few good men who have the smarts to recognize a good thing when they see it, to act on the economic imperative, and thereby to create opportunities for all Canadians because we prosper together.
Thank you, Madam Chair.