The federal government is doing quite a bit right now, which is wonderful to see. With Futurpreneur Canada's position as a national organization, one of our big pieces is that we really like to partner with other organizations, certainly within each province. We have about 250 partners across the country, other non-profit organizations or entrepreneurial support organizations, some of which are also funded by the federal government. One suggestion even is helping to solidify or make those connections more solid.
One example I would say is the women's enterprise initiative networks. I believe there are four across the country. We work very closely with the Women's Enterprise Centre in British Columbia. It is funded primarily by Western Economic Diversification. We're always looking at ways that we can do more with less and partner and leverage, so any additional ideas or observations that the federal government has are great.
I think also continuing to support a lot of these initiatives and looking at what is going on across the country and how we can support.... I think funding existing programs and leveraging those is a huge thing. We certainly appreciate the support of the government on that.