Every year we put out a report called “State of the World's Girls”. About three years ago, the report was entitled “So, what about boys?” As part of that report we did primary research across five countries, including Canada, and surveyed boys nine to twelve years of age to figure out the inflection points, and how to get at those issues.
If you look at that report, you'll see that the Canadian boys were very similar to the Indian boys, etc., and 96% said they believed in equality; they believed that the girls in their classrooms could do whatever they do—high 90s, great attitudes. Then we asked about what they think is the role of men and boys, and they said that the role of men and boys is to protect girls; their job when they grow up is to earn the living. Three years ago ,these were Canadian boys age nine to twelve in our brilliant school systems across the country.
While they had the lead in equality, what they hadn't learned was what that meant in practice in terms of society's expectations of them, and the violence issues that came out, the violence they experience as young boys on the school ground because of our silly, narrow definitions of what it means to be a boy and masculine was just heartbreaking. It was probably my first time in doing these annual reports, and you know, we're working in northern Nigeria and Syria, but it just sent a tremor down my spine that these young Canadian boys were struggling so much with exactly these issues.
Why I urge you to take a look at the Australian report is that they've taken a 12-year horizon on this. You can't turn this on a dime. One group, one association, cannot do it. They looked at not just prevention and accountability, but also the behavioural change that's necessary and the things that my colleagues are talking about that are absolutely necessary, but we have to get started and we have to start very young.