Yes, I think what's fundamentally important is that this has to be multi-sectoral, as we've all said. It is about the justice system. Reforms are needed. Better training of the judiciary, for example, is a piece. Legal aid access is another piece. Jane has mentioned a number of them. I'm a lawyer by training so I can wear both hats on that.
We need to address the health care system as well so there is access and understanding about the reproductive health of young adolescents, which is abysmal.
Frankly, there is the education sector that we've talked about, and the important role the school boards play in making sure that the curriculum doesn't just talk about rights, but talks about responsibilities as well, that talks about the importance of young people standing up and taking action and not condoning and not being complicit.
It's about the policing systems that need to be done in a way that will provide confidence and comfort so women and young girls will come forth.
It's about funding the front-line health care people and the front-line social service agencies.
It's a spectrum, and you have a massive job in front of you, there is no question. This is multi-jurisdictional and it's multi-sectoral and it has to go from prevention to accountability and on to provision of services and behavioural change running straight across it. It is all of those things.
If you want to dig in, there are a couple of places in which we need specific help. Jane has mentioned some. Todd has mentioned one. One that's not talked about is that we need good data. This has to be done on a solid empirical foundation that's not for debate. That means funding Stats Canada to be able to get disaggregated data, because we don't have good disaggregated data to inform smart investments and policy choices.