Sure. That's by my colleague, Dr. Katreena Scott. I'm not sure if you've called her as a witness, but I would encourage you to because she's been studying this issue for some time. It's a best practice program and it's offered in Alberta. Just to take you back a bit I'm currently working with the Government of Alberta to build a new investment and policy framework for dads and fatherhood.
When you look at the majority of parenting programs in Canada they are mostly focused on the mom as the parent. So we're thinking about the family unit that my colleagues have talked about and the need to reflect on the fact that some programs that work for women may not work for men. There are nuances and different delivery mechanisms that need to be thought of. There's some great research happening. I'm not sure if you know about the Alberta family wellness initiative that the Norlien Foundation has heavily influenced in their partnering with the Government of Alberta and the Harvard Center on the Developing Child, where they're doing some amazing work in terms of bringing the best neuroscientists, behaviourial scientists, and social workers together to build best-practice programs from early childhood development on. Right now there are three organizations in Alberta that are implementing the positive father involvement program and it's a best practice.
We're now trying to look at how we scale these. I don't think the issue is whether there are some great best-practice programs. It's how do you scale it? How do you get it to where you're actually changing population change? It takes money for implementation to ensure fidelity and to ensure the people who are delivering a program have the skills and capacities to deliver it in the way that it was designed.
The other issue is that, for example, with something that's been designed in California coming to Alberta, you have to ensure that the context reflects and it's in the program. It takes time to iron that out. So Norlien has funded this and the research has been part of the project for the last five years and ongoing, to keep evolving the program so that it makes the best sense for the parents in Alberta versus if it was in Ontario or B.C. The context is so important.