Thank you so much and thank you to all our witnesses for coming.
One of the things that I was struck by in the testimony, and all of you have had some really good points that I have been madly trying to take down, is that we have hundreds, maybe thousands of programs out there to try to curb violence against women. We've been at it in Canada since I think 1965 when we started these shelters. I think most of us in this room have been involved in that endeavour in some way, shape, or form, and poured quite a bit of blood, sweat, and tears into it. What we are trying to get at here is where are we as far as the cutting edge? Where is it moving?
I thought Lana made some excellent points about needing measurement and needing to figure out what is working because we could sit at these tables and go to conferences for years and still not get to what is working.
I liked it, Claudette, when you said it is true that a lot of things have been put in place but the rates are not going down. We obviously need to find some new ways of tackling some of these problems.
I think what I heard today is that championing women's leadership—Deepa made that point very well—educating men and boys, these look like cutting edge things that are starting to show results, also educating people about cultural things, especially our new immigrants. It looks as if I'm hearing from you that our two most vulnerable populations are aboriginal women and immigrant women.
It's funny, I was just talking to Jason Kenney yesterday about what kind of expectations we can set up for our new immigrants so they understand that it is not acceptable in Canada to beat your wife or sell your daughter or give your daughter away to someone in a forced marriage.
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association, I wanted to point out by the way, have some really good monitoring. I thought Gerry Mills from Nova Scotia might want to connect with them because they have had great success in getting ongoing funding for programs because they build a monitoring component into every program so they can tell which is the most effective.
Lana, do you have any research on the programs that are working for immigrant women in particular?
Sorry for the long question.