Perfect, so I'll give you a few of the highlights. You don't need to be reading through the report right now. It will be sent to the clerk for sure.
We found that overall 88% of teen girls and 79% of teen boys felt that women could find great satisfaction in a STEM-related career. It's clearly a positive finding, but it's perhaps a little surprising to see a nine-point spread between boys' and girls' impressions.
Several of our findings showed no gender differences. For example, the vast majority of boys and girls want to make a useful contribution to society, help people, make decisions, and solve problems. Furthermore, both boys and girls are more likely to make post-secondary decisions based on their personal likes and interests and their perceived skills and abilities.
A few areas did result in significant gender differences. I want to highlight those.
For example, teen girls reported to be significantly more likely than boys to want to use communication skills, have a professional job, be responsible for other people, work with animals, care for sick people, and work in a laboratory. Girls are significantly less likely than boys to report they want to work with their hands, although I would say that 60% reported that they were quite interested in working with their hands. They are also significantly less likely than boys to want to create new products, use math or calculate things, and design things like buildings, bridges, and cars—which is a dire concern if we want more engineers—and work with machinery.
From these results and others that are discussed in our report, it appears that we're working from a position of strength and that Canadian teens want fulfilling work that allows them to make useful contributions and play leadership roles, but we need to do a better job of helping them understand how STEM-based work can fulfill these personal motivations.
Understanding the factors that influence girls' thinking and when those factors come into play also helps us to design programs and interventions that will lead to positive outcomes. I know that some of my fellow panellists here will actually share some of their best practices in this case. In some cases, while this is perhaps not very scientific, I suspect that a simple lack of experience or exposure is leading to negative perceptions that can be long-lasting.
My third observation is that, while it's outside my personal area of expertise, I know that quite a bit of research has been done on assessing barriers that face adult women in the STEM workforce. Within my sector, a considerable amount is known about the barriers to youth STEM engagement, and a significant challenge has been not to continue to look at the factors but to figure out how to scale effective practices.
Indeed, considerable global research has been done over the past decade to identify barriers, as many countries are dealing with trends similar to Canada's with respect to youth participation and in particular girls' participation in STEM. In general for the barriers, I'd bucket them into three big areas. One is a lack of perceived relevance, including a lack of perception of career awareness and what is waiting for them down the road if they stay in STEM. Also, the negative stereotypes are deeply persistent, and a lack of role models is part of the negative stereotypes.
The third big area is school-based issues. There are too few subject areas and too few subject experts teaching STEM. There's a lack of equipment and there's a lack of resources to do experiential learning in schools. The curriculum in every province continues to grow and expand without losing things. In fact, the greatest challenge might even be that science and technology lack priority across the country. No jurisdiction requires students to complete a technology or shop course during high school, and no province requires grade 12 science for graduation, so that's a problem.
Let's Talk Science has focused our programs on addressing the known barriers. From toddlers to teens, we are reaching about 600,000 kids a year, plus teachers, and from our program-based evaluations we see positive results related to skill and attitude development. A lack of sustained financial support makes research on the long-term impact prohibitive, but we're pretty sure we're on the right track.
At a systems level, we've also seen the impact that focused resource allocation can have. For example, Let's Talk Science has enjoyed a significant partnership with Hibernia in Newfoundland and Labrador over the past two and a half years. With their support, we’ve been able to grow our annual reach in that province to well over 65% of the province’s schools, including the schools in Labrador, and establish a strong working relationship with the Department of Education.
In Ontario, FedDev's youth STEM initiative invested about $20 million over three years in the youth engagement sector. In the same time period, we saw a steady increase in the rate of applications to Ontario university STEM programs. Unfortunately, the FedDev youth program sunsetted last year, but we were quite happy to see that the 2014 federal science, technology, and innovation strategy referenced a significant increase in funding through NSERC to support youth STEM engagement.
Based on my observations, I have three quick recommendations for the committee.
First, in your report please do define “STEM” and “STEM-based” work clearly and broadly. I also encourage you to develop a bold vision and clearly defined outcomes that can help us align and leverage stakeholder efforts.
Second, please endorse the funding support that's referenced in the recent federal science, technology, and innovation strategy towards effective youth STEM practices. It has the potential to really energize the sector and leverage it in a significant way.
Third, recognize that balancing gender participation rates in STEM to maximize the benefits is complex and in part a cultural issue that will take some time to change. Significant advances have been made, but clearly more can be done.
In conclusion, this is a very important issue, as the highest-demand jobs in a creative, knowledge-based economy require people with the skills and knowledge that are developed by STEM learning. Many jobs that have been traditionally perceived to require lower-level skills have been transformed and also require STEM. All jobs benefit from people who are analytical and curious—the very qualities that drive innovation and that are developed through STEM engagement.
In my opinion, all young people need to have more opportunities to be engaged in STEM. We need to start early and we need a strong national effort that's focused and measured. If we don't, Canada will slip behind, as other countries are focusing on the issue and investing. Some of the other research that we've done has been looking at China.
While your report is focused on women, I just want to leave you with the final message that the cultural shifts that are happening are including both genders. There's no simple solution to solve the talent development challenge. It will take a long-term, sustained impact. We have seen considerable movement over the last 20 years. With your leadership and guidance, I think we can continue to achieve great things in the next decade.
Thank you.