Good afternoon, everyone.
I will make my comments in English, but I can answer your questions in English or in French.
I'm honoured to be here, and I would like to thank the chair and the committee for inviting me.
I'm Grazia Scoppio, dean of continuing studies and professor in the department of defence studies at the Royal Military College of Canada, RMCC. I've been asked to appear as an individual, based on my expertise, so I'll speak on my own behalf and not on behalf of the Department of National Defence.
I will give you a brief overview of my research on diversity, provide some observations standing on my recent research on gender in the military colleges, and I will conclude with a few comments drawing on my own personal experience as an academic at RMCC and DND.
One of my main research interests as an academic is multiculturalism, immigrant integration and diversity. Since joining RMC in 2002, I've led several studies on diversity in organizations, including in the CAF. For example, I did a comparative study looking at diversity strategies in military forces and police forces in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States. In a follow-up study, I travelled to New Zealand to see how the Maori were integrated in the New Zealand defence force.
For the past few years I have led a study with a team of researchers investigating gender issues in the Canadian military colleges. I'm currently organizing an international panel looking at international perspectives on immigrant participation in the military. That's just to give you an overview.
On this international research on diversity in military organizations, comparatively speaking, Canada is doing well in some areas such as opening all military occupations to women since 1989 with the exception of submarines, which were open in 2001 following a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal decision directing the CAF to remove all employment restrictions and integrate women in all military occupations.
Canada also has an Employment Equity Act that has applied to the CAF since 2002, which requires the collection of self-reported data on designated groups and the establishment of EE plans and goals, among other things. Clearly, all these changes were a reaction to legal and legislative obligations rather than proactive initiatives.
I will now provide a few observations stemming more specifically from my research on gender in the Canadian military colleges.
In 2016 my research team and I started a study, which was requested by RMC, to investigate whether gender bias existed in the recruiting process for the colleges as well as to look at the experience of officer cadets in the military colleges versus those attending civilian universities. The study adopted a gender-based assessment plus, GBA+, as a framework for the design and the analysis, and it involved three stages.
In the first stage, we analyzed existing data on ROTP—regular officer training plan—applicants and recruits from 2006 to 2016. This revealed that there was a downward trend in the representation of ROTP female applicants and recruits. Also, the proportion of female applicants was consistently higher across the years than the proportion of females who were recruited. On average, female applicants were about a quarter, whereas female recruits were only 17%.
The highest percentage of women were recruited in support occupations such as health care, administration and logistics. Many females were not enrolled in their preferred choice of occupation, and the percentage of female recruits who were offered their academic program of choice was lower than that of the males.
In the second stage, we conducted surveys and interviews with ROTP officer cadets in the military colleges and civilian universities. The key findings related to the recruiting process revealed that, although there was no gender bias identified by the respondents, they experienced delays and other challenges during the process. Also, gender and ethnicity differences were found in the reasons for joining the CAF, which suggests that more effort is needed to tailor marketing and outreach to such groups as females, visible minorities or males specifically. Also, recruiters should provide information that is more realistic and consistent to ensure that both females and males are equally informed about military careers.
The key findings related to the experience at the military colleges or at civilian universities revealed that, overall, both males and females in military colleges perceived more gender differences than their counterparts in civilian universities. For example, more female cadets experienced gender bias than males and fewer females than males reported that they were treated in a respectful manner. Some officer cadets, both males and females, cited the difference in the fitness test for males and females as a source of concern regarding equal standards across genders.
Over 80% of females and males in civilian universities would recommend to friends that they apply through the ROTP to attend a civilian university. However, only half of the officer cadet males and females in the military colleges would recommend to friends that they apply through the ROTP to attend a military college, for various reasons. In the qualitative analysis, some of the reasons included poor leadership, harassment and what they perceived to be an inferior learning environment in the military colleges compared with civilian universities.
Overall, these findings suggest that the organizational climate, culture and environment of the military colleges should be improved, while at the same time also increasing women's representation in order to enhance gender integration and make the experience of female and officer cadets more positive.
The third and final stage of the study included surveys and interviews with ROTP applicants, and the report is still in progress.
Finally, I will conclude with a few comments drawn from my personal experience as an academic at RMC within the Department of National Defence. I began my academic career with DND in 2002 as section head at the Canadian Defence Academy, transitioning in 2013 to associate dean of continuing studies at RMC, culminating in my current appointment in 2017 as dean of continuing studies at RMC. Concurrently, I continue to teach in the RMC's department of defence studies.
I believe that, to be an effective female leader in the defence environment, it is important to have a strong understanding of military culture and also of the culture of other organizations that work in collaboration with defence.
It is also important to have the ability to work in a male-dominated environment, as the percentage of females in leadership positions in DND is not very high. For example, at RMC less than 25% of the civilian faculty is female. Currently I am the only female dean. Before me, there were only two previous women deans. One was dean of arts for two years, so did not finish her term. One was an interim dean of arts for one year.
To be effective as a woman in defence, it is important to have a combination of hard and soft skills, including quite a bit of resilience, empathy, interpersonal skills, cross-cultural skills and strong communication skills.
Thank you for this opportunity to provide my perspective.