Thank you for being here today to answer our questions.
What you have presented here today, and what we have on paper, seems amazing. It sounds like there is a robust plan in place and that everything works really well. Then, when we hear witnesses, we hear the exact opposite, that none of these things are actually implemented in the CAF.
We've touched a bit on how culture is to blame for this. Also, earlier today, we heard witnesses say that coming from the outside in, they notice a difference in behaviour based on how many years the person has been with the Canadian Armed Forces. It seems to get worse as time goes on. The longer they've been in that setting, the worse their behaviour becomes, towards women, let's say.
I'm wondering, Ms. Patterson, since you might have insider experience as well, if there is any comment you would like to add. Can you share your experience as a women in the CAF and where you think this comes from? Does it stem from the lower ranks? Does it stem from above? What is the reason for this?