I can certainly talk from my experience, but I think it's very important that we have the evidence, the data, in order to really know where it comes from.
One thing in 2015 that didn't exist.... It really was kind of “I think that's about where we are and that's what the situation is”. We recognized the fact that we did not have this type of data available to us. In an organization that is as vast, both geographically and in numbers, as the Canadian Armed Forces, we just started in 2016 to break that data out separately. We're starting to get an understanding, with outputs, as to where this is happening and who it's happening by.
We're also about to get the results of a second Statistics Canada survey—next week, on the 22nd—which may be of interest to this committee as well, trying to identify where this is coming from, who is being targeted, and what's going on.
What we know right now, from the Statistics Canada survey in 2016.... Not only did that validate what Madame Deschamps had to say, but we've also had internal surveys, called Your Say surveys, that started to look at where this behaviour is coming from. One thing we know is that women—validating what's been said—who are of junior ranks, the most junior in the services, usually in the regular force not the part-time reserves, and people from the LGBTQ2 community, are the most likely to be targeted.
Why does it seem to get worse as you get older? I think it's happening differently at each level, depending on how much time people have in. There are generational discussions that could be had, but what we are trying to do now is come up with the data, which we can always track.
For my final point, one of the comments earlier was the fact that there is data all over the place. One of the most important parts of this campaign plan that we're discussing is getting to analytics. We now have common operating platforms for all the different groups that collect this information for their usage, so we can start talking—electronically talking—across this data.
That is something that would be worth monitoring, so that you know where and how these incidents are happening.