Again that's a very big question.
We haven't been able to do any substantive work on child sexual abuse for a number of years. We don't have good evidence about the incidents. It's very difficult anywhere to get solid evidence, for lots of reasons. We know anecdotally about a lot of issues around child welfare, foster care, what happens to kids who are taken into care. We know, again anecdotally, that there's not a lot of reporting, for lots of reasons.
I've been told, again anecdotally, that there's not a child untouched either directly or indirectly by child sexual abuse, and that stays with me every day. There aren't the services in the communities that we take for granted here. There has been some reluctance around intervening and prompting disclosures without supports, which can be more re-victimizing.
Your question about the criminal justice system is very big. It's an area that really does have to be looked at. From our perspective, we have been more immediately concerned with protection, prevention, protection of the child, treatment for offenders, and trying to raise awareness. Breaking the silence.... It's a great taboo. There's such great stigma, fear of talking about it, so we're at different starting points in trying to find the best place to intervene. We work with the Department of Justice in Nunavut, to the extent that we can.
That's the most specific answer I can give you, other than that it really requires a lot more work.