[Inaudible--Editor] numbers of women. It's important to remember that these women are also survivors and also victims. The traffickers themselves are becoming much more astute and clever in their attempts to evade detection. They're recognizing that it's often in their best interest to have someone else do the luring and be actively involved on paper and in those types of activities, so when the police do come they are further removed from the activities.
In a lot of these cases where the females are the active recruiters, they themselves have been trafficked by these exact traffickers for years prior, and so it is a matter of self-preservation that they make that choice, they make that decision. There's a pecking order in a lot of the trafficking circles. If someone comes to them and says, “If you do this, you will have to sleep with fewer men”, they then become the bottom bitch, which means that they are then given a higher power within the group. For these young women who are struggling to maintain control and power and a sense of identification within their desperate situation, when someone offers them even that glimmer or glimpse of some sort of control, they will grab onto that desperately.