Yes, I would disagree with any view that you would want to delist a company. Delisting a company and taking it away from the transparency and governance of a public company is, on its surface, negative, so I would not see that as the....
Ontario Teachers is a major investor and shareholder. They have the right to invest or not invest in any company they want. That is a more effective solution to this problem. If investors—and they're starting to—begin to understand that companies that are more diverse in their leadership perform better, they will move their money to companies that are more diverse. That would be the greatest impetus for boards and CEOs to change.
“Comply or explain” is a good step because people should be accountable. Unfortunately, what happens is that lawyers write the “explains”. If you try to read some of the explains, they're clearly written by lawyers, and there is no explanation other than they've complied by explaining.
This demonstrates the problem of trying to force people through law to do something they don't really want to do. You want to get them in a position where they want to do it. They want to do it because it will improve their company and their financial performance and so they can continue to receive funding for research from government. They want to do it because the government owns the company and is telling them to do it, and they're the shareholder and have a right to tell them to do it. That to me is a better path.
“Comply or explain” is a good step—I'm not saying it isn't—but don't expect that to change things materially. The marketplace is going to change it.