Thank you for this invitation. We did send a brief on behalf of my research team and I want to acknowledge that I'll be speaking today from my research and from my research with Dr. Lindsey McKay and Dr. Sophie Mathieu.
I want to make three key points that relate to women's economic security and their participation in the Canadian economy. I will read research evidence with some stories that are both personal and political.
My first point is about men's involvement in unpaid care work. My second point is also about men and their take-up of paternity and parental leave and why this is important for women's economic participation.
Third, I will speak about how low-income women in Canada are systemically excluded from maternity and parental leave benefits. Let me begin with a brief story.
I take you back to 1989, when I was just beginning my Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge. I was pregnant with my first child and I was planning to write my doctoral dissertation on women's paid and unpaid work. After giving birth, I changed my dissertation topic to women and men and paid and unpaid work.
One key moment that led me to make that shift was the day that my husband went to his first play group, a moms-and-tots group that met in the basement of a local church. While he was assured that he would be welcomed, each time he entered the church basement with our daughter, he felt like he was entering a very closed and cold club reserved for mothers only. People wondered why he was there. Why wasn't he working full-time? He was treated like an alien, a pervert, and sometimes, as a rock star. Of course, everyone wondered, where was the child's mother?
What has stayed with me from that time 27 years ago and from the research that I have done across those years is the deeply ingrained assumption that men should be primary breadwinners and women should be primary caregivers. These assumptions have shifted a great deal over the last quarter century, but what has changed little is the expectation that it is women and not men who will care for infants and toddlers
This was well expressed to me by an Ottawa father, a stay-at-home dad I interviewed four times between 2000 and 2010 for the first and second editions of my book Do Men Mother?. He said to me, “Even in a society where people believe that men and women are equal and can do just about everything, they don't really believe that men can do this with a baby, especially a really tiny baby.”
My first point, then, is this. I believe that men's increased involvement in caring can and does lead to a shift in political and cultural values and socio-economic conditions around paid and unpaid work. Here I borrow from the words of feminist theorist Dorothy Dinnerstein, who wrote 40 years ago, in 1977, about the losses—personal, psychological, and economic—for both women and men in a society in which, as she put it, one gender does the “rocking of the cradle” while the other “rules the world”.
I want to close this first point by being very clear that I state this position about men and care not as a universal or a categorical one. This is a panel on women's economic security. There are contexts, sites, and instances in which it might not be appropriate to bring men into this issue. I am thinking here of issues of domestic violence, which I believe this committee has already addressed, or difficult custody cases, in which these arguments on gender equality play out in a very different way. I thus want to clarify that I make this point informed by what social scientists call a “contextualist approach”, which attends to the context and complexity of women's lives. One must always ask, “Which women are we talking about?”
My second point is about men and paternity leave. In 2001, as all of you well know, the federal government, under the EI program, expanded parental leave benefits, for mothers or fathers, from 10 weeks to 35 weeks. The number of fathers taking leave jumped significantly, from 3% to 10% in just five years. Then in 2006 Quebec introduced the Québec parental insurance plan, QPIP, a separate and more generous parental leave policy, with three to five weeks of non-transferable paternity leave. By 2008 it was clear that far more Québécois fathers were taking government-sponsored paid leave benefits than were fathers outside Quebec. In Quebec, nine out of 10 fathers take leave. In the rest of Canada, it is about one in 10. Those numbers are stark, and they have remained fairly constant across the last eight years.
The difference between fathers in Quebec and fathers in the rest of Canada led Lindsey McKay and me to examine these two policy regimes. Our research included interviews with 26 families in Ontario and Quebec, which we conducted between 2006 and 2008. We recently followed up—a decade later, in 2016—with nine of the 26 couples. Following here are four key findings and arguments from our work across this past decade.
Ten years ago we found that parental leave decisions were shaped by gendered norms in the workplace. A number of men expressed concern about losing their jobs. One father in our study was fired after he took nine weeks of parental leave. When we returned to interview fathers and mothers in 2016, we learned from them that the workplace is slowly beginning to change, but that fathers can still feel pressure from work colleagues and bosses when they take time off to care for infants. There's still an expectation that this is women's work. Several fathers told us that they were sometimes treated differently and negatively at work after taking more than one period of parental leave.
We support a growing international argument that designated paternity leave, implemented in a “use it or lose it” scheme so that if the family don't use it they lose it, with high replacement rates and low eligibility criteria, as in Quebec, Norway, and Sweden, is a key motivator for families to take up leave.
Our final point is that top-ups—benefits with replacement rates that are higher than the EI rate of 55%—make a huge difference to fathers' take-up of leave and that they thus indirectly support women's employment. As women still earn less than men, it is women who take most of the leave time, and this can translate into long-term loss of income, benefits, and professional opportunities.
I am now at my third and final point, concerning low-income mothers' access to maternity leave and parental leave benefits.
In a 2016 research article published in The Journal of Industrial Relations on work conducted by McKay, Mathieu, and me, we argued, based on our analysis of EI and the QPIP program, that there's a rich-poor gap in receipt of maternity and parental leave benefits among Canadian mothers. The gap is geographic, reflecting the two benefit programs—Quebec's and the rest of Canada's—and it is income-related.
Our findings, in brief, are the following.
Women work throughout their lives and contribute to EI. An average of 25% of mothers pay into EI during their pregnancy, but they don't have enough hours to quality for their parental leave. Other mothers pay into EI for their whole working lives, but they don't make the cut when it matters; that is, they need to accumulate 600 hours in the 52 weeks prior to giving birth. This stands as the major barrier to benefits access.
Under EI rules, 36% of mothers do not qualify, compared to only 11% in Quebec. Mothers in lower-income families are most excluded, with 56% left out under EI, compared with 15% in Quebec. One of the reasons for this difference is radically different eligibility criteria. EI requires 600 hours; QPIP only requires having earned $2,000, which is about 186 hours at minimum wage.
The revision currently on the table for Canada's parental leave policy will exacerbate the rich-poor gap in parental leave, as well as the gendered wage gap. In our view, it's a poorly crafted policy in terms of women's economic security, especially for mothers without standard, well-paid, full-time employment.
I want to conclude my presentation with three brief remarks.
My first point is a conceptual one. Maternity leave and parental leave are currently lodged in the EI system, but these are care policies and not unemployment policies. In the long-term, my colleagues and I believe there should be a wider discussion of how to structure the support of the caring needs and demands of all diverse Canadian families.
Second, maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave, and child care should be brought together in a more coherent plan that recognizes the interconnections between family caregiving and child care. One thing that struck us in our parental leave research is how awful it is for many Canadian parents who end their parental leave time, and then face the dire situation of limited and poor child care options.
Finally, I return to the story that I told you about 10 minutes ago about my partner and our infant daughter. She and her twin sisters are now young adults. They all graduated from high school with honours, two completed post-secondary programs, and one is in process. All three are in precarious work: an actor, a video editor, a project manager in the non-profit sector.
They do not have benefits; they go from contract to contract. They do not accumulate 600 hours with the same employer in any given year. Two of them have partners who are in precarious employment. If and when they choose to have children, they will likely not qualify for parental leave benefits, so I'm speaking today not only as a scholar who's written about gender equality issues for about a quarter-century, I speak as a mother of three adult children who are all in precarious work. A lot of Canadian families, especially lower-income families but also middle-class families like mine, worry a great deal about women's economic security for the next generation.
Thank you.