We are in the process right now of defining our future and multi-year research program that we'll be conducting using the budget 2016 money. In the past year, we used it to support our engagement strategy on a gender-based violence strategy. We're in that process right now. We are talking to experts, academics, and Canadians about what will be in that research strategy. It certainly will not be finalized until we've consulted quite widely on it.
In terms of violence against women and girls, absolutely, that would certainly be one of the themes. This is the first time in many years that Status of Women has had a significant research budget, so we're starting from scratch. We are very excited to do so, as are all of our stakeholders. On the violence front, we've already had a two-day panel of academics and experts in the field of violence against women and girls, who came together to talk to us about the research gaps in this area. We did that as part of our engagement last year.
I anticipate that the research strategy would reflect all the priorities of Status of Women, such as leadership and women in the economy, but very much in terms of violence as well, to support the ongoing federal strategy.