Thank you, Pam.
We know that 60% of those living with disabilities are vulnerable to gender-based violence. We know from our own personal and professional experiences that people with disabilities and exceptionalities bring gifts and talents to organizations and communities, gifts and talents that aren't always utilized, and as a result, we're not as strong as a nation as we could be.
We also know that my colleague Carla Qualtrough, the minister responsible for persons with disabilities and sports, has been actively connecting with Canadians across the country in her consultations to develop Canada's disability act. I believe this legal framework will make a significant impact in the lives of Canadians whose talents and contributions have not had their full platform in Canadian society.
I also want to let you know that in the GBA+ lens that we put on every policy, legislation, and program that the government reviews, that plus includes persons with disabilities and exceptionalities, because we know that our programs and our decisions affect different people differently and that there's going to be a different impact on persons with disabilities and exceptionalities.