The key concern that we have at the CJC is that it appears to be an attempt to do indirectly what you cannot do directly, which is to say, naming judges who were attending which course at what time in order to say, you made the following decision and we will attempt to characterize the validity or how defensible your decisions are based on what training you did or did not take.
I think that is a very difficult leap of logic to make. If you're going to try to identify which court had how many judges attend such a course over a period of time, I think the obvious objective is to find out, over time, which judge did not attend which course and when, in order to characterize or otherwise make a judgment about their decisions. CJC is of the view that this would be very problematic, not only from an independence perspective, but also from the perspective of trying to draw conclusions about the decisions of judges based on what training they may or may not have received.