The projects are either close to the end or in their last year at this moment in time. Already we've seen that some projects have been able to engage platform owners, such as Facebook, to have conversations about measures that can be taken to increase safety of women online, particularly with that platform. There are clear inroads being made.
What does take time, though, is a project that takes place over the course of a maximum of three years. We'll typically spend close to a year engaging with those partners, building trust. At year two, I can say that we have some very definite results.
What's particularly interesting, though, and what we've received so far, is that these project proponents have conducted needs assessments and environmental scans by doing either focus groups with young women or surveys. They've reached out collectively to thousands of young women. It has confirmed for us the breadth and scope of the types of cyber-violence that young women in Canada are exposed to.
Those are the things I was alluding to in my opening remarks. The problem is quite significant in the lives of young people.