Thanks very much. That would be very helpful.
On the issue of campus violence, which one of my colleagues raised earlier, I find the under-reporting quite shocking. She mentioned that fewer than two in 10,000 students report being victims of sexual violence on campus and that 16 universities mentioned there were no incidents in the past six years, I think it was. I find that shocking, in my own experience of going to campuses in my home province and attending events about sexual violence against women. Quite frankly, I think that number is incorrect.
You mentioned that when you control for different factors there's no significant difference, you find, for students as opposed to non-students. I'm curious to know if you notice any kind of statistical difference between the types of violence. For example, we've seen a study in one of the briefing documents from the Canadian Medical Association that suggested that drug-facilitated sexual assault had an impact in over 96% of the time on women, and that predominantly the victims were in the age group from 16 to 24. Are there any other similar statistics that would reflect that age group, or potentially students?