I would like to thank all the panellists.
We are running out of time because we have to go into business, if you don't mind. I'd really like to thank you, Justine, Deputy Wilson, Anik, and Nancy for coming and giving us your expertise. We really do appreciate it.
We are going to move on to some business. There are some different issues that we need to bring forward.
We would like to vote on the supplementary estimates.
Pursuant to Standing Order 81(5), the committee will now dispose of the supplementary estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018.
OFFICE OF THE CO-ORDINATOR, STATUS OF WOMEN Vote 1b—Operating Expenditures..........$2,997,343
(Vote 1b agreed to)
We're going to continue on.
Tuesday was a bit crazy for us. We are working with both the clerk and the analysts to make sure we have the opportunity to see those panellists once again because it's very important. We recognize that there was only a short period of time—I believe nine minutes—during which we were able to receive answers, and of course we didn't get to the final panel at all. We are looking at that so we can move forward and make sure they're part of our study and part of our witnesses.
Moving forward, it has been brought to my attention by our clerk that, unfortunately, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada has indicated they are not going to come for our study on indigenous women. This is going to be a bit of an issue, so I want to work with you on this. I'm putting on my hat to say that I think it's really important that we have them here at the table, but I want to hear how we as a committee would like to move forward on this to make a request from the committee for them to appear, because at this point, they have denied us.
I'm going to pass it to the clerk to provide a couple of options as to how we can proceed, and then we can decide how we will proceed with this.
Ms. Harder, do you have a question?