The only way you can know your breast density is from a mammogram, so it would apply to women 40 and up. Women in the majority of the country are being told their breast density now. It's only in Newfoundland that they aren't.
Every woman can find out their category—A, B, C or D—and if they're category C or D, they need to have a conversation with their family doctor. They need to be informed, they need to be assertive and they need to state that they need more than a mammogram; they need a requisition for additional screening. Again, they need to know their risk. Maybe they need an MRI instead of an ultrasound. They need to speak up for themselves.
Many family doctors are not educated on breast density. They're not getting education in medical school on breast density and breast cancer. They're getting very limited education, so a woman has to be her own advocate. She has to be informed.