Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you again to the witnesses for their testimony.
I appreciate the commentary from members of Parliament today and the responses that we're getting.
I do agree—and we've heard this from witnesses on this study and on others—that there needs to be a lot of focus put on rehabilitation and therapy. I very much agree that if we're going to break a cycle of violence, we certainly need those supports, and they are severely lacking.
I believe Ms. Gazan mentioned that penitentiaries are, in essence.... Excuse my language, but it's the best way I can describe what I've seen: They can be hellholes. They are very difficult places to be, and that stays with you for the rest of the day after you visit them.
What I struggle with is the idea of perpetual abusers. I believe it was Ms. Jeanson who mentioned that the man who abused her abused 10 women. We know that there are perpetual child sex abusers. I personally have a very difficult time believing that it is okay in a society to send those individuals directly to receive therapy. They should go spend some time in hell for a few years, in my opinion. Certainly the worst of the worst deserve that.
What I see happening in this country, through various criminal justice bills, is a weakening of that idea. The justice system for victims doesn't seem to be the priority. Sometimes very bad men who do vile things to many women and children need to go to jail, and that doesn't seem to be necessarily the default anymore in some cases. It's very upsetting to open a paper and see that some man who sexually abused many children is out after five years. I think that's a grave injustice to victims, and they live with that for a number of years.
I just wanted to mention that and get the perspective of Ms. Singh.
Do you have any thoughts to add to that, Ms. Singh?