Thanks. I'll do my best, and I would defer to the indigenous women on this panel.
There are a number of wonderful initiatives. We have the Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women in Alberta that engages women all the time and also works with young women, and I celebrate their work in the community. Again, there are programs called Girl Power that are specially oriented towards indigenous girls in first nation and Métis communities as well as different types of educational initiatives.
I know that through WAGE, for example, the Bonnyville Native Friendship Centre received some funding, and they are working in their community. I think we're seeing some changes.
I know, too, the Canadian Women's Foundation work has been really critical in Fort McMurray and other places. I think there's some good news happening, but we still have to do the big work to counter exploitation. I think I would defer to Ms. Palmater because things have to go into policy as well, that and enforcement.
We can do all the great preventive education in our communities and in our own ways. At the same time, if we are not looking at the structural injustices that are there.... For example, I would encourage everyone to check out the recent statement from Enbridge pipeline about human trafficking. They have engaged an indigenous woman to do the training of their workers and contractors in North America. That's the big change we need to see that will support indigenous girls and women.
Thank you.