Thank you. I just want to thank everybody for coming here today and sharing your testimony.
We've heard horrific testimony, but I think, as I said before, we've known about this for a long time. It's been out in public. People just refuse to act. I don't think this is anything new. I'm glad we're doing this study. I want to acknowledge that there have been documentaries for years on this. People have just turned a blind eye and allowed abuse to happen.
I'm really taken by your testimony. You said something, Madame Fraser, about how we teach kids to respect adults, to listen to adults without question, particularly in schools—adults in positions of authority. I agree with you. I think that makes children vulnerable, because they're not even allowed to question how they are feeling in a situation. Can you expand on how that kind of teaching about listening to your elders—all of it—can be dangerous, particularly without education?
I also want to follow that up with you, Madame Glover.