Yes. I think you can absolutely control it. If you have legislation in place, you change the age and parents are better educated.
This is a post today from Adam Grant. He said:
The earlier kids get smartphones, the worse their mental health as adults.
New study, 27k+ ppl: owning a smartphone younger predicts lower self-worth, motivation & resilience—and more sadness, anxiety & aggression—especially for girls.
I put that on the record, because it's something I think is a major contributor when we're having these conversations.
I want to touch on something my colleague Ms. Roberts was trying to delve into. She was doing a pretty good job, to be honest with you, but these are tough conversations and we have to scratch below the surface to have an honest conversation about a lot of these things.
My question to you is—and I'll go to Ms. Price, because you're in the room—given a choice, if somebody doesn't believe they are worthy of something more.... Choosing to be a sex worker I have no judgment on one way or another, but do you think that is really what the first choice would be if given the opportunity for education or another job?
Sometimes, we have people who choose minimum wage jobs because they have no other choice. Do you think sex work is a choice?
I know it ties into your sensationalizing comment, but do you think, in a room of women who are sex workers, they would say, “Yes, this was my first and only choice, and my passion to fulfill in life”?