Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I would like to thank the witnesses on the second panel, which was very diverse. They gave us their point of view, and that helps us to do our work. Thank you to Mr. Gyovai, Mr. Lanouette, Mr. Kelly and Ms. Greenwood.
I would like to address the issue of the criminalization of coercive control, as well as training stakeholders in the justice system, including police officers and judges. In the first round of questions, we briefly discussed the importance of working on the issue of coercive control.
These accumulated measures should be seen as tools that can be used to counter the problem of intimate partner violence and domestic violence.
I would like to hear from the two representatives of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police about the training of resources in the justice system.
In order to better support women who are victims of domestic violence, do you believe it is necessary to broaden the notion of coercive physical violence throughout the reporting process? Are you missing tools to better accompany victims?
You talked about what is being done in Quebec, namely the specialized court, and tracking bracelets. I would now like you to talk about how important it is for the federal government and the Criminal Code to take into account what is being done in Quebec to improve outcomes for victims.