Michelle, I hear you, and I understand, because as we're going through this bill, we understand the importance of it.
We're looking at page 2 of the bill, under “Fear of domestic violence”. Section 810.03, in the original bill, says:
A person who fears on reasonable grounds that their intimate partner will commit an offence that will cause personal injury to them, to their child or to a child of that intimate partner may lay an information before a provincial court judge.
What we're seeing from this amendment is the word “a” turned into “any”; the words “intimate partner” turned into “another person”, and “a child of that intimate partner” changed to “a child of the other person's intimate partner”. The words “intimate partner” are not there. Those have been removed, and “another person” has been put in.
Continuing with that, I think that's where we're at. Those are some of the amendments.
Andréanne, we're going to you, and then to Leah.