Thanks, Madam Chair.
Yes, this is a very difficult process in the testimony we hear, and I just wanted to say, from some of the witnesses we've heard, that it's not that we're gutting the bill, Michelle. We're trying to expand it and trying to improve it. We've heard other witnesses say that there was some tweaking and there were some little concerns.
As Leah mentioned, when we look at other persons—children, family—I think that's an improvement. Previously, we talked about victim services versus the prosecutor. There's a process. The bill focused on the prosecutor. We focused on the victim services in the courts.
I'll be supporting this amendment.
“Intimate partner” in this amendment is mentioned four times, in amending proposed subsection 810.03(1), proposed subsection 810.03(7), proposed paragraph 810.03(7)(e) and proposed subsection 810.03(9).
On the change in proposed subsection 810.03(1) to “another person”, I'll ask the.... Well, the chair already said that we'll turn it over to the officials, but again, in adding “another person”, I thought there was some confusion earlier, some comments. I think it's a good thing to be adding “another person”, not just the individual, the victim, because the children, the family and.... I think that's okay, and it doesn't.... It's so that we get this passed as soon as possible with some of these, which seem to be improving the bill, which I think is what everyone around this table wants.