Thank you. That's a really good question.
I'm going to feed off of what Fae started to speak about in regard to knowledge and the sharing of knowledge.
Yes, these programs exist, but where are they? I don't know about them. Fae clearly doesn't know about them. When the minister was speaking about certain programming, as I said, I was very confused. I thought I was in the wrong country.
Going back to my earlier point, women are very smart. As much as we challenge each other, backbite and don't support each other, we're also able to operate just as efficiently on the other side. We're also able to hold each other up, lift each other up and support each other, if given the opportunity.
I think what the government needs to do is be intentional in programming. You can't just throw money out there. I would have loved to come here to be part of a strategic planning session. I would have loved to come here to contribute and give feedback on some of the best practices that you've seen over the last few years of programming. I would have loved to come here and be a part of a brainstorming session.
We've been consulted. We've been questioned. We've been studied. We want to see action that turns out the desirable outcomes so that people are not ending up in psych wards and people are not ending up feeling stressed and lonely. Be intentional about the programming and don't just offer the funding—don't just offer solutions in theory, as Dominique said. Really be intentional about creating those spaces.
I heard the word “ecosystem” over and over again. The only ecosystems I know are the ones I created in my small community in Hamilton. I don't know of any other ecosystems that have come as a result of guidance from the government. I think that's what's needed.