He does a French.... He's from the small town of West Nipissing, Sturgeon Falls. He left high school and said he would never go back there because of the hate and some of the stigma. He went to university—Ryerson—for film, for studio. He had very supportive parents, and my sister Lynne, and Rob, and both grandmas have gone to all of his drag shows. He's gone to Toronto and Montreal and all over the country, but now he's back in Sturgeon Falls. He started pride parades, but there are still a lot of threats and hate. He's 24.
Fae, I want to ask you this: What can you tell us as a federal government that can we do to continue supporting my godchild? I know you alluded to it a bit earlier. What can we do for my nephew Michel to continue his passion and his dream for being a drag queen?