Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Ms. Huntley and Ms. Cukier, thank you for being with us. This is our last panel for this fascinating study on women's economic empowerment. You're the cherry on the sundae of this study. You've raised some points that are somewhat new, or at least you've addressed some points from another angle as part of this study. I'll try to ask both of you questions.
Ms. Huntley, you touched on something that hasn't come up a lot in this study. You talked about relieving the burden on women during their maternity leave. It reminded me of a ruling by the Social Security Tribunal of Canada in early 2022, which struck down certain provisions of the Employment Insurance Act that were found to be discriminatory against women who had lost their jobs during or after maternity leave. Under the rules at the time, a mother who lost her job during her maternity leave or shortly after her return to work could not accumulate the number of hours needed to qualify for employment insurance benefits. I remember that even the government wanted to appeal that decision, and that really shocked me.
The reason I come back to this is that it's a federal program. We're currently calling for a complete overhaul of the Employment Insurance Act because it discriminates against women for many reasons.
How important is it to have measures to relieve the burden on women during their maternity leave and to review federal programs like employment insurance to ensure that we break down the barriers women must overcome in the labour market?