Good afternoon. Thank you for allowing the Travellers' Protection Initiative the opportunity to make a submission today.
My name is Michael Pepper. I'm the CEO of the Travel Industry Council of Ontario, which is known as TICO. We are responsible for regulating travel agents and travel wholesalers in the province of Ontario. There are over 2,500 registered travel agencies, which generate over $7 billion in gross sales per year.
The Travellers' Protection Initiative is an alliance of several organizations. Our goal is to persuade the Minister of Transport to make necessary changes and amendments to Bill C-11. In addition to TICO, our members include the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, represented today by Michael Janigan; Option consommateurs, represented by Marie-Hélène Beaulieu; and the Association of Canadian Travel Agents, represented by Christiane Théberge. Christiane will provide an address following my overview.
These four organizations, together with the Canadian Association of Airline Passengers, represent the interests of consumers, professionals, and small businesses from across Canada. A full list of members can be found in the appendix to our written submission, which I think has been provided to you. The focus of the Travellers' Protection Initiative is consumer protection, and our submission deals not only with what's in the bill, but also with what's not in it.
There are a couple of issues in the bill we want to talk about, but we're also asking the committee to consider making some amendments to include some other things in the bill. We think the bill provides an opportunity for the Government of Canada to take a leadership role in the world by improving consumer protection for its citizens who travel by air. There are a few fundamental issues that we'd like the government to address.
First of all, we would like stronger financial criteria for air carriers, together with published information on airline service and financial performance. The issue of airline advertising has been mentioned. We have experienced full price disclosure in the three major provinces. We are advocating full price disclosure including all of the auxiliary charges, with the exception of the GST and the PST. The final issue is the continuation of the air travel complaints commissioner.
I'd like to outline our biggest concern with the airlines—the financial criteria. My colleague Christiane Théberge will outline our concerns regarding the advertising disclosure and the continuation of the complaints commissioner.
Our first concern is the financial plight of the airline industry. Many airlines in the world today are undercapitalized and unprofitable. A number of factors have contributed to this, including bad management, overcapacity, the cost of fuel, and an ever-increasing overhead cost that airlines have to incur, collect, and pass on to their customers.
In Canada, however, the airline industry is currently stable. Canadian scheduled and chartered carriers are well managed and profitable. But this was not the case in recent years. Two large carriers in Canada failed, namely Canada 3000 and Jetsgo. Both of these airlines provided a mix of scheduled and charter services.
On the scheduled side, neither of these airlines were subject to financial oversight from the government. While we understand and agree that the Canadian government is not in the airline business, and is a strong advocate of free enterprise, it has to take a leadership role in how air carriers are allowed to behave. Scheduled carriers in Canada are not subject to any ongoing financial criteria. There are neither working capital requirements nor any requirement to hold consumers' advance payments in trust.
As an example, I want to go back to Canada 3000, which failed in November 2001, and the Jetsgo failure of March of last year. Both of these carriers were permitted to sell seats in advance in order to generate cash to pay their operating expenses. This was to the detriment of consumers. When these airlines finally ran out of money, it was the unsuspecting consumer who felt the brunt. Thousands of consumers were either left stranded or did not receive the travel services for which they had paid.
Who bailed them out? Not the federal government, and certainly not the bankrupt airlines. The lucky ones received compensation from provincial compensation funds, credit card charge-backs, or insurance companies. Many, however, received nothing at all.
Unlike provincial consumer protection against travel agency failure, there is no federal compensation fund that reimburses consumers. And yes, I understand, and we understand, why the stronger airlines, like Air Canada and WestJet, would not support such a compensation fund scheme. But there is another remedy available, which needs serious consideration, that would go a long way to improving the financial plight of airlines.
Now is an opportune time to at least introduce stronger entry requirements, requiring ongoing financial criteria such as minimum working capital and trust accounting of consumer advance payments until the services are provided. These requirements would go a long way to improving the financial health of the industry. And why now? Because the Canadian airline sector is in good financial health and it should not have difficulty meeting minimum financial criteria. This would in turn benefit existing carriers, because any new entrants would not be able to do as they have done before, which in the past has diluted the marketplace and put consumers at risk, in addition to bringing down the level for the whole sector.
These financial provisions and the ability of the minister to make regulations in respect of a national compensation fund we think need to be firmly entrenched in the act. I'm saying the ability to make regulations for a compensation fund because perhaps down the road things might turn out differently.
Those are my main issues on the financial side. I would now like to ask my colleague, Christiane Théberge, to conclude with regard to advertising and the complaints commissioner.