I'm not familiar with the decibel standards they have in Europe, but I am very familiar with the differences in operating the railway. The railway is a freight railway in North America and it's a very passenger-oriented railway in Europe. The railway is an electrified railway in Europe and it's largely a diesel railroad in North America. In Europe most of the signals and crossings are guarded crossings, so whistling is not an issue. They just do not whistle as much as we do here because as a safety matter the government has paid for crossings, and the crossings are protected in most instances, other than in the most rural areas. They have a fundamentally different railroad environment.
I believe that what we have to deal with here are the particulars of our land use in North America--the particulars of our railroad technology, the particulars of our community. We have to make efforts to deal with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to come to an understanding as to how we can deal with these issues as good neighbours. As you're contemplating it, this law provides an additional safety measure so that you would ultimately have recourse to the agency that has expertise in looking not only at the railroad operations issue but also the noise issue. You have to have both.
If you understand the flexibility that a railroad might have to do things differently, maybe the agency will be a little tougher in assessing what's reasonable or not reasonable. It's not always just the noise; it's about what the railroad could do about it. If the railroad has no choice, if we're talking about a mainline aspect, if it's right there and there's no other way for the railroad to service its customers and meet its common-carrier obligation without shunting cars at certain hours of the day, then the agency, I would hope, would take that into account in setting what's reasonable. I believe the approach and the law you have in front of you will go a long way to address those issues.