Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, it's a pleasure to appear before you once again. Today, my officials and I are pleased to be here to discuss the 2006-07 main estimates for the new Transport, Infrastructure and Communities portfolio. During my first appearance before this committee in June, I described the responsibilities of this new portfolio that brings together Transport Canada and Infrastructure Canada, along with sixteen crown corporations.
As I said then, the portfolio is a point of convergence for some of the most important issues facing Canada today, including the productivity of our economy, transportation safety and security, environmental sustainability, and the quality of life in our cities and communities, as supported by public infrastructure.
This government continues to work in that direction, in consultation with Canadians across the country, with industry and other stakeholders, the provinces and territories, and, of course, with all of you here today.
We have accomplished a great deal together. We have responded to pressure on our highways, borders and communities across Canada by making unprecedented investments in this country's transportation infrastructure.
Likewise, we have made serious investments to ensure that our transportation system — the backbone of the Canadian economy — remains among the safest and most secure in the world.
We have also worked toward a more sustainable transportation system and to help ensure that the air we breathe and the water we drink are healthy for generations to come. We continue to do this through direct program investment and through initiatives such as the Clean Air Act. Together, we are helping to improve the quality of life for all Canadians, but there is much more work to be done. Improving the spending in these main estimates will help us move in that direction.
As you know, the 2006-07 main estimates were tabled by the President of the Treasury Board on April 25 of this year, over six months ago, and reflect decisions taken by the previous government. The main estimates were tabled at that time to secure interim supply.
The estimates process is different this year. This government operated on Governor General warrants for the first 45 days of the 2006-07 fiscal year, and interim supply authority was provided to cover the next seven and a half months.
I'm here today to urge the committee to recommend that Parliament approve spending for the remaining three months of the fiscal year. Although the 2006-07 main estimates are essential for the delivery of key programs, they do not take into consideration this government's priorities that were announced in the last Speech from the Throne, Budget 2006, and reflected in the recently tabled supplementary estimates for 2006-07.
Therefore, the 2006-07 main estimates for the portfolio, which total $3.5 billion, are as follows: $1.4 billion for Transport Canada, $1.8 billion for the Office of Infrastructure Canada, $147.2 million for Canada Post Corporation, $26.8 million for the Canadian Transportation Agency, $91.4 million for the National Capital Commission, and $1.3 million for the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada.
Because we don't have time to go into all the numbers, I would instead like to briefly discuss the two major components of the portfolio, Transport Canada and of course Infrastructure Canada.
For Transport Canada, the 2006-2007 Main Estimates — $1.4 billion — are showing a net decrease of $75.4 million from the 2005-2006 Main Estimates.
They are two primary reasons for this decrease. First, there has been a decrease in contribution payments reflecting the end of the Port Divestiture Program. Second we have reached the final stages of the Strategic Highway Infrastructure program.
The reduction of $57 million for the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority reflects the near completion of the original capital program for pre-board screening equipment and explosive detection systems. It also reflects an increase for expansion projects at the Vancouver and Toronto international airports.
In terms of increases, you will see an increase in operating expenditures of $37.3 million. This increase is the result of salary contracts settlements.
There is also an increase of $56.4 million for payment to Marine Atlantic Inc. — this funding is required to offset an operating shortfall.
Finally, of the $368 million in revenues, $300 million of that relates to airport lease and chattel revenues. This is based on the amended ground lease formula and the forgiveness of remaining chattel payments, according to the new National Airports Policy. It also includes repayment of deferred rent from 2005-2006.
Turning now to infrastructure, the renewal of our public infrastructure is one of those issues facing Canadian communities where the portfolio approach makes sense, especially with the act of collaboration and partnership with provincial-territorial-municipal governments and various stakeholders.
With 80% of Canadians living in an urban setting, global and domestic trade and past investments in infrastructure are exerting pressure on existing public infrastructure. Some of this pressure can be dealt with through improving current infrastructure, while in other cases we must begin anew. It means significant investment.
This government has taken the steps through commitments in the throne speech and Budget 2006 numbers, which I relayed to this committee during my last appearance.
In terms of today's main estimates, total funding being sought for infrastructure is $1.8 billion, up from $794 million in 2006-07, an increase of $1.1 billion. Colleagues, this increase is due to the inclusion of the second year of the gas tax fund, for a total of $593 million, and increased spending for existing and new projects approved up to these main estimates—$422 million—under existing infrastructure programs.
These include the Canadian strategic infrastructure fund, the border infrastructure fund, and the municipal rural infrastructure fund.
These main estimates also include a provision for $37 million in funding for the operations of Infrastructure Canada, which will cover salary for approximately 250 employees and related operating costs to ensure oversight and management of transfer payment programs.
The Minister has a number of other portfolio responsibilities that do not require any appropriations from Parliament and are therefore not displayed in the estimates. They include the Ship Source Oil Pollution Fund, the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, the Pacific Pilotage Authority, the Atlantic Pilotage Authority, the Laurentian Pilotage Authority, the Blue Water Bridge Authority, Ridley Terminals Inc., the Federal Bridge Corporation, the Royal Canadian Mint and Subsidiary, and Canada Lands Company Limited.
Honourable colleagues and members, my limited time today does not allow me to go into detail regarding all the items on the list.
However, I believe the numbers I have been able to present today demonstrate the importance this government places on the priorities we have identified under this new portfolio.
Mr. Chairman, I would welcome the committee's questions on our overall approach, or on any of the specific measures contained in these estimates.
Thank you.