What we were trying to do with the revised statement was to simplify it, in fact, rather than make it as verbose as it is in the current act.
I'll just take one example. The word “adequate” in English does not have a comparable word in French. “Bien adapté” is the same thing as “efficient”, right?
We always have a hard time defining what “adequate” means, whereas the other words in there are all objective. The word “competitive” is objective, “economic” is objective, “efficient” is objective, as are “safe and secure” and “respects the environment”.
The whole concept of sustainability, as you may or may not know, encompasses the three factors--economic, social, and environmental. We believe that the clause, the way it is written now, with the sub-elements, has that concept in there. So we were just trying to keep it simplified, rather than throw in more language that makes it convoluted--keep it very precise, very flowing, very simple.
Some of the other motions address some of the elements in the enumeration following the opening statement. The word “national”, for example, is in the title. It is the national policy statement.
That was the objective of trying to simplify it. I think all the intent that you have is there. We don't normally talk about standards in a policy statement. It's the objective that we want to have a safe system and a secure system. The actual standards and regulations are dealt with through different acts of Parliament, for example, the Aeronautics Act or the Railway Safety Act, where they prescribe regulations or standards. This one deals with economic issues.
We would favour keeping it simple. I think all the key words are there, all the objectives remain there; it's simply how they're enunciated.