The reason it takes a lot of time is because you're trying to cover every aspect that is of relevance to the state of transportation. So, for example, there are traffic volumes by mode that you would like to monitor and track down and report on, right? You want to look at the financial results of the different sectors as well, and you want to report the most current information as possible.
If you read carefully the way the existing legislation says to report on the state of transportation, you'll see, for example, in May 2007 that we should be reporting on 2006. I can tell you that right now, as we are working on the 2006 report, we have nothing more current than what we had reported in 2005 on many of the modes. In terms of most current information, we had the most current information of 2004, and we would not have sent anything better than that because for reporting reasons, we don't have more current information.
That has been an issue in the production of that report--to be able to produce the most precise and most accurate picture of the state of transportation.
We also cover the track record of the safety performance of the different modes. For some of the modes, meeting that deadline has been quite a challenge because you have to compile information from across the country, in all of the modes. So you have to report, for example, on the total number of accidents, and you also want to have a breakdown by region and so on, because this is of interest to members of Parliament and so on.
The issue is having timely information. If you have a one-year cycle, you're pushing your luck in being able to be as current as the legislation is asking for, simply because the burden on the industry for reporting this information to the statistical agency being what it is, it is one of the most demanding tasks. We want to make sure what we put in the public domain is good information. We don't want to put in the public domain preliminary information that would be changed subsequently, once we have revised information, because that would be misleading any one of you who might use this information to make decisions.
That's why the one-year cycle on the state of transportation is quite demanding and could prove to be to the detriment of the interests behind the spirit of the legislation. The reason it takes so much time is because we try to cover all fronts, so we have to involve different parties within the organization to be able to cover all of the aspects we want to cover. We cover environment, we cover energy consumption, we cover safety and security measures, we cover employment, and we cover the performance of the different sectors in the Canadian economy as well.
So it's a very thorough report we have been doing, and we've done 18 of them. We have done one for every year since 1996, but we've done reports from 1987 to 1994 as well. We can tell you that from one year to the other, the changes we are able to report are not significant. But if you look at a longer period, like a three-year period, then you start to have a better understanding of the changes that are taking place and we are in a better position to give you a more current and more precise picture of how the industry is evolving.