That's very good.
Let's go back to clause 15, which is entitled “OPERATION AND USE”, and which grants powers to regulate the use of bridges, to regulate the tolls that owners may charge, and so on. I've previously had the chance to ask you this question, but I'd like to hear from you again.
Did you speak with our partners, the provinces in particular, which operate and manage a number of these bridges? I believe there is some interference here. This gives you a power that goes beyond safety issues. You'll be able to intervene and limit, regulate the use of a bridge and tunnel at all times, based on the type of vehicle. For example, you could order operators to prohibit truck traffic on a given bridge or in a given tunnel.
Have I correctly understood the meaning of this clause?
You've no doubt reached agreements enabling you to negotiate with your partners. However, if the bill is passed as it stands, you'll be able to make them do what you want. Have you discussed this with them and do they agree on it?