Okay. I think I understand. Thank you.
Ms. Brazier, I have your correspondence and the correspondence you provided us that came back from Transport Canada. Some of this relates to, I guess, the communications; the other is the SMS question I'm asking.
My understanding of Judge Moshansky's comments, by the way—and I don't have the transcripts in front of me, but I have my memory—was that he talked about SMS and regulations and Transport Canada continuing. In other words, SMS shouldn't replace Transport Canada's scrutiny. His suggestion was that it was an enhancement of what was there—don't drop the Transport Canada role in favour of SMS. That was my take on it.
You indicate repeatedly throughout the material you've sent us your concerns, and I've highlighted a couple of them.
You put down first of all that the industry has not been properly consulted. On page 2 of your letter of March 13, you made reference to the percentage of airlines that had been contacted being very small. I think you said it was 1.6% and 0.5%—in other words, 9 out of 574.
The other point is that you're saying that under SMS there are safety violations because the self-regulation doesn't work, and that because of cost, because of competitiveness, many of the airlines are just ignoring it. They're flying overweight, or they're doing other things.
Do I have that correct, then?