Chair, I listened and I sort of buy into the arguments that would speak against BQ-7 in the sense of the confusion that might be created by having a reference in the law to the International Civil Aviation Organization and if they have lower standards, and so forth. So I'm prepared to vote against BQ-7, which will then bring us to NDP-3.1.
I was following with some agreement the arguments that I heard from the Justice representative, in that last sentence of that, “The minister may by regulation...”--and perhaps the minister may also by “executive decision”, by “Privy Council decision”, by “agreement”, and so forth, so there may be more than just “by regulation” as a way of ensuring that aeronautical activities are conducted at all times in a manner that meets the highest safety standards.
So I'm very comfortable with that, and that's where the representative lost me. I do believe that it's quite normal to have in a law a statement such as “The minister shall ensure that at all times the highest standards shall be met”. I don't have a problem with that, and it should be in this law. The difficulty, I'm starting to realize, is in the last part of that sentence, and I'd like to know how to replace it. Some suggestions might be in order here.
From the arguments and discussions I've heard, that's where I'm at. Perhaps we can dispose of BQ-7 and focus on NDP-3.1. I'm just trying to get us moving along here a bit.