My problem is that from the moment when the minister will have to table the documents, the information will become public. If I cannot ask the minister whether he has information on a company, and, as the case may be, to provide us with the information or to make it public, I have a problem with that as a member of Parliament. If my colleagues don't, I'm not worried about it, because that's their business. So the minister would be able to protect a great deal of detailed information on a company. As you said earlier, there may be consequences for a company, including losing its licence. The company could, for example, take the government to court and the case may end up before the courts. But under the bill, the minister would not be able to make any information public because of the investigation. That's what I'm wondering about.
Perhaps you see things I don't, but I wonder, in the public interest, whether the public should not have access to the information which is in the hands of the minister. You said that an airline could lose its licence, and that's a completely different decision. Are you telling me that my idea would endanger the entire system?