Mr. Chairman, the thrust of G-6 on page 69.1 is not quite the same as BQ-15. I had some concerns and misgivings with that particular amendment, G-6, in that it could be seen as substituting the committee, in a way, for safety organizations or putting it in conflict with safety organizations. I'd be very careful there. There's nothing in here that is new in terms of committee authority. The committee has the authority to do what this says, but I'm a little concerned with the way it's formulated. But we can get back to that. It's not the same.
I think the other one is more specific, that three years after coming into force of this section, the committee will be asked to.... Whether they do it or not is up to them. So I'd stick to BQ-15 in terms of the intent. It is clearer and a little crisper, and this one could lead to some confusion.