Clause 49 is a coming into force clause, and as it's drafted right now, it states that the provisions of the act come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.
So what that means is that this bill, even once it receives royal assent, will not be in force until there's an order in council stating that provisions come into force. That leaves you a lot of flexibility in terms of how you want to implement it. You can have it come into force almost immediately after royal assent, which was done with a previous amendment to the Aeronautics Act a few years ago, or you can stagger provisions. So you could have most of the act come in on one day on an order in council, and then stagger the coming into force for three years after those provisions come into force, or three years after royal assent, because you could time against royal assent or coming into force of provisions. Three years after royal assent, your provisions dealing with designated organizations would take effect.
It is my understanding that the desire is that three years after the implementation of the designated organization provisions, you would want to have a review. So that would be six years after royal assent, say, assuming that this--