I move that Bill C-6, in clause 12, be amended by adding after line 9 in French, which is line 11 in English, on page 14, the following:
REVIEW 5.381(1) On the expiration of three years after the coming into force of this act, section 5.31 to 5.38 shall be referred to the committee of each House of Parliament that normally considers matters relating to air transport. (2) Each committee referred to in subsection (1) shall, as soon as practicable, undertake a comprehensive review of sections 5.31 to 5.38 and their operation and shall, within six months after the review is undertaken, submit a report to Parliament thereon, including such recommendations pertaining to the continuation of those sections and changes required therein as the committee may wish to make.
This means that every three years, sections 5.31 to 5.38 will have to be analyzed by the committees in charge of enforcement. This means that given the fact that the first part becomes effective three years after the effective date of the act, that is, in six years, which is three years after the effective date of these sections, they would be reviewed or analyzed again. Mr. Reinhardt, this aims at answering the questions that I just put to you. We must make sure that no designated organizations can be exempted from inspection.
I am not presuming anything. I just want to make sure that we do not entrust organizations that... This is not Transport Canada. I want you to understand this clearly. In our opinion, you are in charge of public safety. If we bring in an intermediary, although your objective is good inasmuch as it seeks to ensure a higher level of safety and to make those people accountable, perhaps the clients on the ground do not see it in the same way. People using these services or some members could have questions for the committee, as they might think that the designated organization is not working as intended. Therefore, we want to make sure that this is reviewed every three years. If everything is in order, the review will not take much time. If not, it will be more complicated.
That is the objective of this amendment.