I'm not a specialist in the TDG Act, but it seems to me that the same minister administers both pieces of legislation. So in the event that there were a conflict, it would be his responsibility to resolve it one way or another to fulfill his duties under both acts, because both acts speak to safety in one way or another. So I don't see that it's necessary to highlight it in the Aeronautics Act, because both acts exist.
I know I've argued this before, but every time you have acts that contain provisions that say they prevail and then you repeat it somewhere else, you raise a question for another piece of legislation governed by those acts that doesn't have a prevailing clause, whether or not they prevail over that act.
I could use as an example the Bank Act, which governs federal undertakings; therefore, the Canada Labour Code would apply. If we add something to the Aeronautics Act that says even though the Labour Code says clearly that it prevails, the Bank Act doesn't say that. The question will be asked that we look at the Aeronautics Act, which repeats that the Canada Labour Code prevails, but the Bank Act doesn't. So what is the status of the Labour Code with the Bank Act?
That's my concern with repeating things that aren't technically necessary to be repeated, that it may raise a question in a judge's mind somewhere down the road, because they look at the whole statute book sometimes when they're trying to interpret legislation. That's my concern.