I'll start with number 19. We have sat down already with our colleagues from RAC to see how we would assess and implement the various recommendations. We have basically grouped the recommendations into three clusters. The first cluster includes recommendations that will be jointly implemented or overseen by TC, RAC, and a variety of committees. The second cluster is composed of recommendations that deal with industry only, so we'll let them tell you how they will go about implementing them.
Your recommendation 19 is one of those. It states that the industry must take every measure to ensure effectiveness of the health and safety committee. That's a recommendation to the industry. I gather they are coming here later this week, so if you don't mind, I'll let them answer that question.
The third cluster contains the recommendations that will be dealt with by Transport Canada alone or lead by Transport Canada. It doesn't mean we won't talk to people. We will consult, as we usually do, but we will lead this work.
To recommendation 24, which was your second one, you added recommendation 24-7: “a means of involving railway employees at all levels and, where possible, through health and safety committees and representatives”. This one I would link with recommendation 19, if you want, so you may want to ask the railway how they will do that, but we from transport certainly encourage that. We do encourage employee involvement in safety.
Your next recommendation was 24-3, which is the third bullet: “measurement of safety culture”. We don't have an index, but we are now redrafting our program activity architecture in the department, and as part of that we have to define a performance framework for everything we do. I guess we're going to come to the same conclusion in that respect, but there is no worldwide recognized safety index, if you want, that would be recognized by everybody.
If I can compare it with what we did in diversity, for instance, we wanted to become a very representative department in transport. We have developed a diversity strategy, but in diversity there is a recognized index, one to five, and we can specify targets of where we want to be by when. Everybody understands that, and many organizations are using the same index. So here the only thing I can tell you of what we do now is that to measure the safety culture we have and we will interview people. The only way you can measure or have a sense of the culture within a company is to interview its employees, so in a big company we can interview hundreds of employees and we can find out from those interviews if the culture is positive or negative, if the information sharing is done, and if there are reprisal actions or not. We can find that out.
But there's no tool that will give you an exact number. To go back to the previous discussions about the one, two, three, four, five, the safety culture index, if you want, this is what we may adopt in the future, but we have not at this point in time.
Next was recommendation 39, and I'll let Luc take over from here.