It's a preliminary review, which is the simplest type of environmental assessment under our act, in the context of an environmental self-assessment process. As you emphasized, two federal departments, in the context of that project, have decisions to make: the Department of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, under the Navigable Waters Protection Act, and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, under the Fisheries Act. Those two departments are acting as authorities and are responsible for conducting the environmental assessment of the project, which, as you said, was completed in February or early March, according to the information I have. I'm going by the date that you have, which is February 28.
As for the coordination which was or wasn't done from the BAPE hearings, or from the provincial assessment, which was conducted by the provincial environment department even before the BAPE hearings, there again, I'm relying on my Transport Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada colleagues, who probably have more information than I do on the nature of that collaborative effort.