If you will recall, this issue erupted in the national media some five to six weeks ago. It involved members of the department continuing to bill or expense invoices on the Mackenzie Valley pipeline fund, which has essentially not done any work--I don't want to prejudge anything--and no longer exists. The minister then responded by saying he would conduct an internal investigation and get back to everybody.
I could be off by a couple of days or so, but we're about five weeks down the pike on this. Before the break we agreed that this was serious enough--as it involved more than $10 million--and deserved the attention of this committee and the House of Commons. We made only one caveat at the time. There seemed to be consensus that we could wait for the report on the investigation and then study it. I agreed to that semi-reluctantly because I think it's fair to get all the facts on the table. But it has been five weeks and we haven't heard anything back.
Maybe the parliamentary secretary can give us the status of that investigation so we can make a decision. If he can't give us an indication of the status, maybe we should direct the committee's attention to the study on its own.