Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Mills and Madame Lemay, proposed section 10.1 deals with the NCC's master plan for the national capital region. The Liberal Party's opinion is that the master plan in the future should consider the potential location of the region's employment polls. Let me explain what I mean by this.
We have all heard of the 75-25 sharing of Government of Canada jobs. As it stands, only the jobs under Treasury Board are calculated or included in the equation. We think that's wrong; it should be all of the Canadian government's direct and indirect jobs.
As an example, now the employees of the museums are not in the equation. The employees of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation are not in the equation. Canada Post is not in that equation. Yet all of those employees are directly or indirectly tied to the Government of Canada. So we have to redo the calculation.
But the important part of my suggestion and the suggestion of the Liberal Party is that the NCC should become, let's call it, the “policing agency” of the federal government to ensure that these employment polls are situated intelligently throughout the national capital region. By this I mean that if you're going to be looking after planning in the transportation sector, if you're going to be looking after bridges, then I think you have an important role to play in saying, okay, in west end Ottawa we should have x percentage of jobs, in east end Ottawa we should have x percentage of jobs, and so on, including in Ottawa south and on the Gatineau side of the river, east, west, and so on.
How would you react to that, sir, if the bill were amended and the responsibility for establishing these employment polls within the national capital region, and the policing of that particular policy, were to end up on the board table of the NCC?